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Appearance: Hazy Liquid, Orange Red Beta Carotene: ≥0.20%
Carrot seed oil has a formative effect on the epidermal skin cells, stimulating cell growth and is therefore an excellent ingredient to use in products aimed to rejuvenate tired, aged, dehydrated and damaged skin, as well as traumatized skin. Carrot seed oil is one of the most rejuvenating and regenerating oils that can be used in skincare and helps to improve the complexion, as it helps to remove toxic build-up in the skin and eliminates excess water from the tissue.
It is rich in beta-carotene as well as vitamins B, C, D and E and is most useful as a skin rejuvenator and extremely effective for dry and aging skin. The main chemical properties of carrot seed oil are acetic, pinene, carotol, asorone, limonene and bisabolene. It is known to improve the complexion of the skin, due to its strengthening effect on red blood cells, while toning the skin and increasing elasticity and firmness. Carrot seed oil also assists in removing toxin and water build up in the skin giving it a fresher more firmer appearance.
Storage: Protected from direct light and humidity at a temperature of 50°-77°F (10°-25°C)
Shelf life: 12 months, properly stored, in sealed container.
This product should be added to a formulation at the recommended usage rated.